

I’m back in Germany. My exchange year is over, sadly. I promised to write to more posts. Well, I’m not going to because I don’t want to. Maybe I’ll find a some motivation, on a calm weekend, but until then:

Goodbye and Thank you very much for reading!

Ich bin wieder in Deutschland. Mein ATJ ist beendet, leider. Großmäulig hatte ich gesagt, dass ich noch zwei weiter Posts schreiben würde. Da muss ich euch leider enttäuschen, ich habe keine Lust. Vielleicht fällt mir ja demnächst, an einem ruhigen Wochenende, ein bisschen Motivation in den Schoß und schreibe doch noch etwas. 

Aber fürs Erste verabschiede ich mich von euch und bedanke mich nochmal fürs Lesen!


Newest post „Kesäloma“ (only in German right now)





IMG_4174 This is who I am. A 16-year-old girl currently living in Finland. My name is Felicitas which is a Latin word and it means luck or happiness. It fits quite well since I’m often in a way to good mood. Especially since I’m here in Finland I’m really happy.

Besides being a happy person I’m doing orienteering. I started 6 years ago and it is quite a big part of my life, I would say. Not that I’m a extraordinary good I just like it and sometimes I get good results. It’s a nice sport to do because the people there are unbelievable nice and I get to run in the forest which is just great.